The Blog

"Ski It If You Can" - We Can and We Did

February 7, 2021 7:30 AM Mad River Glen Report for February 3rd: 18 degrees; freezing drizzle upper mountain; snow flurries at base; “biting” north wind 10-20 mph; no new snow Me: Probably no need to get first chair! My brother: Ah come on, the west has spoiled you. I bet the wind has blown in […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Getting Angry Out There

February 1, 2021 While we like to think of our sport as serene and peaceful, every once in a while there is some anger out there. Sharing odds and ends in ski news you may have missed from this past week. California Snowstorm – as predicted (see our article CA Mother of All Storms) this […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

CA Mother of All Storms

Up on the Rooftop: Deep Snow at Meyers, South Lake Tahoe, April 1969  (Photo Credit: Mark McLaughlin) January 6, 2021 At first we thought it was a typo! In checking the weather predictions and ski reports for the week, Mammoth in southern CA was slated to get 110 inches. But there it was – a […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Covid Update

January 18, 2021 Most of the ski industry has been open and largely functioning since early December. We thought it was, therefore, a good time to check around the country on the effects of Covid on the sport. The good news is that we seem unlikely to see a complete shutdown of the industry like […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Powder Skiing, The Grateful Dead & a Buoy

January 8, 2021 What does a Pacific Ocean weather buoy, the Grateful Dead and Utah powder have in common? (This is not a trick question!) We explain below. I was on the Wildcat lift at Alta when I first heard about this weird internet post called Powder Buoy. Wildcat, affectionately known as “The Kitty”, is […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Got Snow?

January 5, 2021 From time to time we like to pause and take a look at what parts of North America have received snow and who is getting skunked. We are fans of road trips to be able to quickly go where there is snow. The Covid world may have changed that a bit, but […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Eastern Ski Movie Time

December 20, 2020 Yep folks – that first word is “Eastern!” With all the focus on western sun and powder, it can be easy to forget that much of skiing culture was first developed on the east coast.  So…there are actually a couple fun ski movies filmed in the east to watch right now.  If […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Covid Update - Europe and California

December 11, 2020 We here at conSKIerge would love to report only good news but, unfortunately, we follow Covid ski industry matters, and, unfortunately (getting the message here?) some of this week’s news is not good. As we recently reported, many European countries have closed all ski resorts. However, at the time of that article […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Taos Ski Valley Update

December 2, 2020 As we recently reported in several of our updates, Taos has been unable to open given the Covid restrictions imposed on a statewide level in New Mexico. We are sure this has been particularly frustrating given that they had benefitted from some early season storms.  And many of us feared this might […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Skiing in the Age of the Damn Virus - I.E., Buy that Sprinter Van!

December 2, 2020 Unfortunately, skiing (like everything else in life right now) will be impacted by COVID-19. Good news – we know of no major lift-served ski area in North America that will not open this year. Bad news – every aspect of your skiing experience is most likely to be impacted this winter by […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

France, Germany & Italy VS. Austria & Switzerland

November 30, 2020 We at conSKIerge are generally optimists, particularly when it comes to skiing.  But we have to admit, there is stunning news out of Europe. While we are anxious about this ski season, we are convinced that done with care we can ski despite Covid. In theory, it should be the perfect sport […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

Vermont/4 Midweek Days/$189/Yes!

November 23, 2020 Two choices: Door #1 – ski Vail for one day or Door #2 – ski 4 midweek days in Vermont for almost the same price. Yeah, yeah, we know some of you will say Vail conditions are bound to be better so it’s an unfair comparison. But let’s talk this through. Yes, […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder

I Hope to See You Next Year: Same Time, Same Place

If you recognize the phrase that is the title to this article, then you can hear THE voice. That would be the voice of Warren Miller, the ultimate ski bum.  This was always the last thing he said at the end of every self-narrated film he made. For those of you wondering what the hell […]
Kevin Dennis
conSKIerge co-founder